past topics

This is an abbreviated description of topics discussed and workshops given at past DLI Ontario training sessions.


  • Portage
  • DLI
  • Presentations from schools
  • RDM discussion
  • DLI Update
  • Labour Force Survey
  • Workshops
    • Statistical Software
    • Basis Summary Tabulations
    • Accessing Canada’s Open Data through APIs
  • Aboriginal Data at Statistics Canada
  • Census
    • Census Program Data Viewer — Product Review and Initial Observations
    • Instructional approaches for mapping Census data: A graduate planning example
    • Census Consultation Feedback
  • DLI Contact Survey
  • The DLI goes to College
  • Finding and Using Historical Data Resources
  • Product Reviews/Data Blitz


  • Short Product Reviews
  • Product Review – Overall Impact of Changes
  • PCCF+ Postal Code Conversion File Plus – An Introduction
  • Accessing DLI Data Using Scholars Portal Data Services
  • PCCF+ – Next Steps
  • Visualizing DLI data: The Quick and Dirty Way
  • 2016 Census Dissemination – Release Strategy and Products & Services Line
  • Short Product Reviews


  • PCCF+ and OpenRefine
  • Excel and B2020
  • B2020 WDS
  • A gentle introduction to DDI (no previous knowledge needed)
  • 1990 Ontario Health Survey and Mental Health Supplement – A Data Rescue Success Story
  • Business products (InterCorporate Ownership, Survey of Household Spending standard tables, Financial Performance Indicators)
  • Research Data Management: A Backgrounder
  • The Evolution of Research Data Management Instruction at Carleton University
  • Research Data Management – Data Management Plan Toolkit
  • International Travel Survey (ITS) and Travel Survey of Residents of Canada (TSRC)
  • Tips on running a data centre
  • Setting up a Statistics Consulting Service update

2014: National Training Day & Boot Camp

  • National Training Day
    • Equinox Update/Group Discussion
    • Presentation of final results of DLI Contacts and Designate Survey
    • Experience implementing RTRA
    • Open Data Portal
    • Census
    • Historical census; print vs digitized
  • Boot camp
    • Lifecycle of a Survey/Intro to DLI
    • Beyond 20/20
    • Nesstar & <odesi>
    • SPSS coding
    • SDA
    • EFT
    • Survival Guide


  • Vital Statistics
  • Census Geography – hands-on workshop
  • Survey Results and Training needs update for Ontario region
  • B20/20 Hands-on
  • Justice Statistics
  • RTRA Hands-on
  • Product Reviews
    • Syntax
    • Join me
    • Crime / Justice statistics product
    • PUMF / product discussion – how to communicate product needs to DLI


  • 2011 Census / National Household Survey (NHS)
  • Real-time Remote Access
  • Continuum of Data Access: Web site – Microdata Access Division
  • CIHI – PUMF Discussion: possible DLI-like model
  • STC Presentation — PCCF/PCCF+
  • Levels of Service + Tips and Tricks to Extending your basic service level
  • Nesstar 4 — Tools
  • Geospatial Portal – Getting at Census Geography
  • Data Visualization presentation/summary


  • National Training Day
    • The Big Picture: What is New in the Data World
    • 2011 Census and National Household Survey
    • Approaches to using products from the Canadian Community Health Survey
    • Telling People all about You!
    • Trends in Technology: how to get the answers to our target audience
  • Boot Camp
    • The Life Cycle of a Survey
    • The DLI Licence
    • The DLI Survival Guide
    • Finding Statistics: Tools & Techniques
      • Demystifying the Statistics Canada Website and CANSIM
      • E-STAT
      • GeoSuite
      • Beyond 20/20
      • Equinox
      • <odesi>
      • SDA
    • Hands-on practice with Tools & Techniques presenters


  • Research Data Management Seminar
  • Competencies Update
  • Lightning Talks (3 – 15 minute product/service presentations)
    • Jing (Using screen capturing and casting software in teaching and reference)
    • SDA in 2010 – new developments
  • Product presentation: CCHS
  • Panel: Access to Data in Canada: the Big Picture
  • Health Measures Survey


  • Workshop: Business Statistics and National Accounts
  • University of Guelph’s Learning Objects Project
  • DLI Contacts and Designates Survey Results: Part 1: General findings
  • DLI Contacts and Designates Survey Results: Part 2: Training and Competency Issues
  • The Surveillance Project
  • Core competencies for DLI contacts
  • Competency synopsis
  • DINO Update


  • Survival Guide
  • DLI licence exercise
  • Business Statistics
  • Mapping Social Indicators in Google Earth
  • Learning Objects
  • Workshops
    • <odesi> — Using the Best Practices Document (BPD)
    • <odesi> — Using the Nesstar Tool (A)
    • <odesi> — Using the Nesstar Tool (B)
  • International Trade


Currently missing in action.


  • Workshops
    • 2006 Census and Community Profiles
    • Using Statistics Canada Geospatial Data with ArcGIS 9x (ArcInfo)
    • DDI Publishing (hands-on)
  • DLI 10th anniversary celebration!
  • CCHS 2.2, Nutrition
  • Input/Output Framework of Statistics Canada
  • Product Reviews and CANSIM Strategies


  • DDI / NESSTAR &64; DLI
  • Navigating STCWeb
  • Misinterpreting Data
  • Survey Life Cycle
  • DLI Training Data Base
  • Workshops
    • Viewlets
    • SPSS/Stata/SAS
    • Election 2004
  • DLI/RDC Co-operative Projects
  • Justice Statistics
  • DDI/XML Workshop
  • Census2006
  • Issues and Feedback
  • PCensus
  • STC Citation Guide
  • Visions of the Future


  • “This is Statistics Canada”: The inside scoop on how things really work
  • What to do in a case of this sort? Interpreting the DLI Licence
  • Free microdata resources outside Statistics Canada
  • Bringing DLI to the classroom
  • Workshops
    • Synthetic Data
    • GIS Resources for non-specialists: I didn’t know we had that!
  • Statistics Canada’s Education Resources
  • DLI and the RDCs: Complementary Services
  • Disclosure Analyses: What do RDC Analysts Do?
  • A DDI Primer
  • CANDDI – Another National Project
  • DLI issues and directions
    • The future of Public Use Files
    • Metrics (measuring use)
    • Collaborative projects (within DLI, between DLI and RDCs)
    • Future training