
Last updated 2018.11.16

Tuesday, Dec 4 / Wednesday, Dec 5 / Thursday, Dec 6

Tuesday, December 4
Location: LIB386c, Ryerson University Library & Archives

8:30a – 9:00a

Arrival and Refreshments
DLI Chat with new those new to DLI or the DLI Contact role

Geneviève Jourdain, DLI Unit
Chief — Microdata Access Division
Social, Health and Labour Statistics Field, Statistics Canada

Geneviève will be available for an informal chat with people new to DLI and DLI Training. Location: LIB389

9:00a – 9:30a Welcome and Housekeeping

 9:30a – 10:15a DLI Update

Geneviève Jourdain, DLI Unit
Chief — Microdata Access Division
Social, Health and Labour Statistics Field, Statistics Canada

10:15a – 10:30a Break!
10:30a – 12:00p CHASS Canadian Census Analyser and CANSIM@CHASS

Johan Libster, Developer
CHASS Data Service
Information & Instructional Technology (IIT) Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto

An overview of the Canadian Census Analyser and CANSIM@CHASS.

  • Canadian Census Analyser will cover basic region unit terminology for search types, navigation layout/finding topics, applying census variables and filters your datasets, export options for datasets, use of PUMF (public use microdata files) query system for census data queries, hierarchical vs individual PUMF data, and SDA query/report interface.
  • CANSIM@CHASS will cover finding tables and series, basic text searches, suggested searches, search by title, metadata, table/series ids/ranges, browsing surveys, using table data, by dimensions and series, using variables and carts, using cart filters and output formats, using the OLAP interface, changes by Statistics Canada data formats from June, 2018 (how it affects queries).
12:00p –  1:30p

Lunch break (on your own)

1:30p – 3:00p Concurrent workshops:

Workshop A – OpenRefine – Introduction

Kelly Schultz, University of Toronto

Learning Commons Lab, Main floor, Library

This workshop will introduce OpenRefine, a powerful open source tool for exploring, cleaning and manipulating &quo;messy&quo; data. Through hands-on activities, using a variety of datasets, participants will learn how to:

  • Explore and identify patterns in data
  • Normalize data using facets and clusters
  • Manipulate and generate new textual and numeric data
  • Transform and reshape datasets
  • Use the General Regular Expression Language (GREL) to undertake manipulations, such as concatenating strings

Workshop B – Mapping Census data from CHASS

Tomasz Mrozewski, Laurentian University
Francine Berish, Queen’s University

Room: LIB393A

This 90 minute session will cover data discovery and extraction via the CHASS Census Analyzer and basic GIS visualization. We will highlight the added value features of using CHASS compared to Statistics Canada Census Profiles. We will provide an overview of the steps involved in visualizing Census data in ArcGIS, including data elements and major processes. This session will also feature a critical discussion on visualizing Census data in GIS software, focusing on the technical expertise required to produce usable visualizations as well as the responsibility (and credit) for producing visualizations.

3:00p – 3:15p Break!
3:15p – 4:00p Breakout/Table discussion

Over the course of the morning on Tuesday, we will be soliciting breakout topics for group discussions about DLI related issues, challenges, and opportunities. In the afternoon attendees will select a table/topic that they would like to focus on and then each table will report back to the room with an opportunity to give and receive feedback directly to our DLI Unit representative at Statistics Canada, Geneviève Jourdain.

4:00p – 4:45p Reporting back/Q&A with DLI

6:00p – ??? DLI Dinner
Dinner – Reds on Gerrard
382 Yonge Street, Unit 6, Toronto ON M5B 1S8

  • 6:00p — drinks
  • 6:30p — dinner

Note: there will be an automatic 18% gratuity on the bills because of the size of the group, but there will be separate bills.

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Wednesday, December 5
LIB386c, Ryerson University Library & Archives

8:30a – 9:00a

Arrival and Refreshments
DLI Chat with new those new to DLI or the DLI Contact role

Geneviève Jourdain, DLI Unit
Chief — Microdata Access Division
Social, Health and Labour Statistics Field, Statistics Canada

Geneviève will be available for an informal chat with people new to DLI and DLI Training. Location: LIB389

 9:00a – 9:30a Breakout/Table Discussion Summary

Deena Yanofsky, University of Toronto Scarborough

9:30a – 10:00p RDM — Help! (a case study)

Jane Fry, Carleton University

This session will give you ideas on how to help out researchers who come to you for help with Research Data Management (RDM). It is not as scary as you might think – it can really be quite stress-free and enjoyable too! I will go over the process I use when a researcher comes to me either because they want to or because they have been told that they have to talk to me — and yes, that does happen. This is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution, but it will get you started. And if you have ideas to contribute, we would all love to hear them.

10:00a – 10:30a

Getting the word out on APIs: The ups and downs of offering support for a new technology

Lucia Costanzo, University of Guelph

APIs are a relatively new method for pulling in data from an online source. Staff at the Library at the University of Guelph have recently provided support with APIs. Please join me to discuss our approach, uptake by the community along with the successes and challenges associated with providing support for this new technology.

10:30a – 10:45a Break!
10:45a – 12:00p Policy Research Group at Heritage Canada on their use of the GGS PUMF

Xavier Lemyre
Research Analyst, Policy Research Group
Strategic Policy, Planning and Research
Department of Canadian Heritage

12:00p –  1:30p Lunch (on your own)
1:30p – 3:00p Canadian Community Health Survey

Shawn Brule, Statistics Canada

3:00p – 3:15p Break!
3:15p – 4:45p Concurrent workshops:

Workshop C – OpenRefine – Intermediate

Kelly Schultz, University of Toronto

Learning Commons Lab, Main floor, Library

This workshop will build upon the basic concepts covered in the introductory OpenRefine workshop. Through hands-on activities, using a variety of datasets, participants will learn how to:

  • Use Regular Expressions to match patterns in data
  • Use APIs to augment existing datasets
  • Use the General Regular Expression Language (GREL) to undertake more advanced manipulations, such as date manipulations

I will also provide additional activities for participants to go further and try augmenting data using reconciliation services, more APIs, and python scripts.

Workshop D – Scholars Portal

Amber Leahey, Scholars Portal
Meghan Goodchild, Queen’s University/Scholars Portal

Room: LIB393A

This session will provide an overview of major updates to the ODESI and GeoPortal platforms, including new features and collections. A more in-depth overview of Dataverse will be provided as well as a hands-on opportunity to get more familiar with the latest features, tools, and integrations with SP Dataverse.

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Thursday, December 6
LIB386c, Ryerson University Library & Archives

9:00a – 4:30p Ontario Data Community Meeting