
Registration for DLI Ontario Training, Dec 4-5
Ryerson University

Registration is now open; to register, please submit the following form:


Email address:


Yes / No

/ DLI Contact?

/ Data Librarian/Data Responsibilities?

/ First time at DLI Ontario Training?

/ New DLI Contact (or alternate)?

I plan to attend the

Yes / No

/ DLI sessions on Tuesday December 4

Tuesday workshop (choose only one of the following two)
/ Open Refine (introduction)
/ Mapping Census data from CHASS

/ Dinner Tuesday December 4 Reds on Gerard
/ DLI session on Wednesday December 5

Wednesday workshop (choose only one of the following two)
/ OpenRefine (advanced)
/ Scholars Portal

/ Thursday meeting of the Ontario Data Community

Additional questions/comments:

If you have indicated you wish to attend the Scholars Portal workshop on Wednesday, please also fill out the workshop survey form (the link will appear once you’ve successfully registered).